Monday, December 15, 2008


So we are now officially coming out with the news that we are expecting our 4th child!  So if you didn't already know, consider yourself in-the-know.  I am currently in the awkward stage of being between wardrobes where I have only 1 pair of pants and 1 skirt and just a few shirts to cover my fat tummy.  And it does look like fat, not a baby bump at all!!  And Dan is nice enough to tell me so too.  Nice huh?  I'm lucky enough to have a husband who tells me the truth and is always honest about what he thinks.  Which is good right?  Except when I want to hear something totally different.  But I'm sure I will appreciate this factor somewhere along the line.  Anyway, since we are going to Arizona for 2 weeks during the holidays I have the luck of being able to pack light with the few clothes that fit me and wear them every day.   Ah, the joys of pregnancy.  


Danielle said...

Oops. Should I not have congratulated you in your last post? How is it I knew anyway? Was that in the family newsletter?

Well, officially CONGRATULATIONS! And I hate those first few weeks too where it just looks like I'm getting fat. It's always fun to get where you're nice and round. :)

avonlea_ann said...

Haha, thanks! You are totally fine Danielle! I put it on my Facebook page so maybe that's where you saw it.

Unknown said...

Being pregnant through the holidays is AWESOME! You don't have to worry about fitting into your skinny jeans when the feeding frenzy of the next two weeks is over!

Enjoy it momma - you'll have loads of time to worry about it later! :)

Unknown said...

Also, is it wrong of me to eat the entire plate of goodies without sharing?

Thanks so much for the yummy treats!!!!